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The rise of violence among our youth is of vital concern. Most programs that address this problem focus on controlling behavior and resolving conflicts. These programs neglect to develop critical higher-order skills needed for building peaceful relationships - kindness, forgiveness, compassion, and a deep respect for self and others. Peaceabilities was developed to address these needs.


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...teaches these higher-order, or prosocial skills, with precision and is unique in its approach to develop the internal strengths of children without relying on external controls.


Peaceabilities logo a collection of 126 compelling stories, paintings, songs, games and activities found in both ancient and modern cultures. The materials were developed for children ages 5 to 11 years.


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...can be used in schools, domestic violence shelters, after school programs, churches, community groups, and families.


...materials help develop the five primary abilities children need to get along with others:
► Appreciate differences
► Be compassionate
► Like each other
► Help others become their best
► Respect and include others


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...was developed by Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Ph.D. and Claudia J. Clayton, Ph.D., with the help of many research assistants and children.


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Widespread violence has led many to seek ways to stop hatred, aggression, and human destruction. Whether they try to establish peace treaties between nations or to resolve civil or interpersonal conflicts, every effort is crucial if a worldwide culture of peace is to be created. Nevertheless, given the poor record of international summits, wars, and law enforcement to suppress violence and guarantee human rights, other approaches also must be pursued.

The Peaceabilities project originally sought ways to reduce violence between marriage partners. If a husband and wife could be helped to be less violent, the same techniques used to help spouses might be useful in reducing violence in families, neighborhoods, or communities with differing religious and ethnic backgrounds. Unfortunately, it became clear that attempts to change entrenched patterns of violent behavior in adults have dismal results.

Because significant numbers of children who have been raised in violent homes or exposed to excessive violence are likely to become violent in their own relationships, we turned our attention to these children. We found that attitudes, emotions, and values required to be truly peaceful were lacking in these children, and that they desperately needed programs that could help them develop compassion, value themselves and others equally, and forgive those who have offended them. Peaceabilities is such a program.

Until individual hearts are changed, peace will never prevail. People cannot be forced to trust and watch out for one another. Rather, it is the power of ideas that changes hearts, and accumulated cultural expressions best open us to such changes. Peaceabilities is a collection of compelling stories, paintings, songs, games, and activities originating from many ancient and modern cultures. If parents and teachers develop children’s abilities to live peacefully with those around them, momentum will build and peace will ripple through families, neighborhoods, and even countries. As one child and then another learns to replace hatred with compassion, children will become ambassadors for peace, leading the rest of us in their footsteps.