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New Project Forms

Information about your project that we need to know

Are you familiar with BYU's policy on royalty distribution and the information needed to fill out this form?


You will need to know the following:

  • Name, email address, and royalty share of each developer (as a portion of 45%)
  • College name (spelled out in full)
  • College Activity Worktag for depositing project royalties
  • College class code if controller requires it (optional)
  • Department name (spelled out in full)
  • Research Activity worktag
  • Research class code (optional)
  • Project participation % (not to exceed 45% for all project developers)
    • This means if there is only one developer, the value is 45%. If there are more, each value must add up to 45%.
    • Example #1: There are 3 developers that share project participation equally. Each developer would then be assigned a value of 15%. So 15% + 15% + 15% = 45% total.
    • Example #2: There are 2 developers, but project participation was not equal. The assigned values might be 30% and 15%. Again, 30% + 15% = 45%.
  • Royalty take-home % (Amount paid directly to developer upon distribution. Difference between these two percentages will be matched and deposited to developer's BYU research account.)
    • Case #1: The single developer on a project wants to take home (direct deposit to his/her personal bank account) all of the 45% of royalties for the project. 45% - 45% = 0, which means no funds will go to his/her research account.
    • Case #2: The single developer on a project wants to take home (direct deposit to his/her personal bank account) 20% of the 45% of royalties for the project. 45% - 20% = 25%, which means 25% will go to his/her research account and be matched by BYU. If the 25% is $100, then BYU will deposit another $100 in the research account
    • Case #3: Two developers split 45% evenly - 22.5% each. One developer wants to take it all home, so nothing is deposited in his/her research account. The other developer wants all of it to go into a research account - 22.5% - 0% = 22.5% goes into his/her research account and is matched with another 22.5% from BYU.
    • Note: royalties taken home must also be filed with the developer's tax return. Not so with deposits into a research account.
  • Each developer will be contacted to set up a vendor account with Workday - an online system to track personal contact information, W-9 submissions, and direct deposit details.

If you have any questions about this form, please contact Colleen.

If the submitter does not have all this info available at this time, please click "NO" below, collect that information, and return to fill out this form.