A tutorial from Ronald Staheli and Rosalind Hall of Brigham Young University
Masterful Choral Conducting is a tutorial designed to expand understanding and enhance the skills of choral music conductors. Build confidence and add technical precision to your conducting through this innovative series from the choral directors of Brigham Young University.
Refine your conducting skills and explore new techniques through this pioneering program. Learn to manage music’s smallest details—the hallmark of every brilliant choral performance.
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Build confidence and technical mastery
Acquire meaningful and efficient gestures as you master each of the 18 lessons in this remarkable series. Ronald Staheli and Rosalind Hall will help you achieve the musical precision and compelling artistry that have become a choral tradition at Brigham Young University. They will give you unique, ingenious tools to successfully meet each score’s demands. They will lead you through the labyrinths in which so many conductors get lost. Learn new ways to tackle breath releases, fermatas, and phrase shaping. Pick up new tools such as the fool-proof prep, lingering/accelerating travel, and the multi-purpose SuperClick. Build confidence as you master everything from legato/marcato styles to irregular and asymmetric meters.
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A proven method to build skills sequentially
Honed through decades of working with exceptional choirs and preparing graduate student conductors, this series follows a methodical and logical approach to choral conducting. You can progress at our own pace, stop and review, or easily skip ahead.
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What you'll see and hear
Watch simultaneous front and back over-the-shoulder views of the conductor on split screens.
Follow along in the score provided on-screen and in the accompanying workbook.
Learn at your own pace. Practice along with Professors Staheli and Hall.
Conduct as a BYU choir sings each piece
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Table of contents
Unit 1: Essential Theory Review
Firming Up the Foundation
Unit 2: Beat Patterns, Stroked and Clicked Icti
Getting It Straight; To Stroke or to Click?
Unit 3: The Legato Gesture: Learning to Resist
Abandoning the Flippant Yank
Unit 4: The Marcato Gesture
The Supple Accent
Unit 5: The Conducting Mechanism
Aligning the Sinew
Unit 6: The Preparatory and Final Release Gestures
The Fool-Proof Prep
The Right Release
Unit 7: Breath Releases
Is It Stop/Flick or Accelerating Travel?
Unit 8: Melding
Timekeeper or Phrase Sculptor?
Unit 9: The SuperClick
That Subtle But Vital Ingredient
Unit 10: Student/Teacher Demonstration
The Basics - Shenandoah
One-on-One - Round One
Unit 11: Subdivision
Sweating the Small Stuff
Unit 12: Fermatas
Head-to-Head With the Peskiest Fermatas
Unit 13: Dynamics
The Myriad Possibilities of Size and Color
Unit 14: Cuing
Tour Guide or Traffic Cop?
Unit 15: Shaping and Phrasing
Music’s Exquisite Life Blood
Unit 16: Student/Teacher Demonstration
Beyond the Basic - God So Loved the World
One-on-One - Round Two
Unit 17: Irregular Meters
The Dips and Dashes
Unit 18: Conclusion
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today: Getting It All Together . . .